Obama made a surprise appearance in the White House pressroom and compared his hopes for the summit with the give-and-take of marriage. He said he is willing to consider medical malpractice reform, a key GOP demand, but said bipartisanship doesn't mean Democrats abandon everything they believe in.More proof that Rachel Maddow was wrong stating that tort reform was "in the bill". If it were already "in the bill", President Obama wouldn't be making a key and important point that he is willing to consider tort reform as part of a bipartisan compromise.
Sorry for harping on Rachel Maddow. She's one of the liberal commentators (along with Alan Colmes and Thom Hartmann) that I generally respect and enjoy. There's a lot of raving nuts on the left and the right, so I enjoy finding commentators that are logical and reasonable and willing to have intelligent debates and discussions.
Here is the transcript from the Maddow show.
BTW, she also claimed that it's "in the bill" to accept the republican idea of allowing insurance to be bought across state lines. She stretches the truth here too. Here's an MSNBC (hardly a right-wing group) analysis of the complexities. In any case, the bill does not mandate allowing sales across state lines, it just allows states to consider it.
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