Friday, October 2, 2009

Here's a list of those who support Polanski - boycott them

What Polanski did was despicable and he deserves punishment.  Especially since he has shown no remorse.  Yet many call for his release. Here's an article about the petition by misguided movie stars to win his release.  And here's a list of the signatories, as of Sept 29 2009.

I strongly suggest that you boycott movies produced by, written by, directed by, or featuring these "artists".  Unfortunately, based on the length of the list, that may mean no movies for a long time.  Most of the names I don't recognize, but here are some I do (or that sound familiar):

Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Darren Aronofsky, Monica Bellucci, Lionel Cassan, Penelope Cruz, Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo del Toro, Jonathan Demme, Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Martin Scorsese, Antoine Silber, Tilda Swinton, Tom Tykwer, Wim Wenders, Harvey Weinstein.

Luckily for me, I don't see the Coen brothers,  Luc Besson, Peter Jackson, Peter Weir, or Clint Eastwood.

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