Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Der Spiegel has an interesting juxtaposition of articles

In the Nov 18 issue (temporary link here , but I think this will point to the current paper, not the specific issue), the front page has two articles that interested me.

One article blasts President Obama on climate change.  And it contains this hyperbole:

"If the rest of the world were to follow the US example in their approach to fossil fuels, the oceans would not only heat up, but would probably soon begin to boil."

But the real interesting section is Part 2, Americans Do Not Look Beyond Their Own Borders.  And it includes this analysis:

"For most Americans, the world beyond the US's borders is nothing more than an irritating nuisance"

What's another article on the front page?  Actually, it's an entire section about the fall of the Berlin wall.  Now, it seems to me that us insular Americans had something to do with that.  Maybe we do look beyond our borders.  But you wont see that in any of their articles (at least in the headlines).  The Wall just mysteriously fell.  American power had nothing to do with it.  Thanks for nothing Der Spiegel.

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