Monday, November 15, 2010

Most of us have to pay for our own lawyers

Charlie Rangel, (D, N.Y.) walked out of his House Ethics Panel trial today, making the serious claim that he was being denied his Constitutional right to have a lawyer.

Well, actually, just because he hasn't had time to let others pay for his lawyer.
"I am being denied the right to have a lawyer right now because I don't have the opportunity to have a legal-defense fund set up,'' the New York Democrat said. "I truly believe I am not being treated fairly.''
In his defense, Rep. Rangel has already paid 2 million dollars to lawyers, out of his campaign funds.  When those ran out, the lawyers abruptly, and unprofessionally, left the case, leaving him in the lurch.  But he could choose to pay them out of his own personal money, which is what most of us normal schmucks have to do.  Maybe it is unfair for finances to play such a role in a trial, but welcome to the real world Rep. Rangel.  Besides, I don't think this is a partisan "witch-hunt" without any foundation, it is his own party still in charge of the House.

This sense of entitlement by our representatives is appalling.  Somehow they don't feel like they should pay for anything, it should all be provided as a government benefit and expense account, or by generous donors.  Of course, all those donors are altruistic and would never expect any corrupt favors or benefits in return.

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