Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Newspaper Vice President Complains about Free Speech

Lincoln Millstein wrote an unbelievable editorial in the Monday Oct 10 San Francisco Chronicle.  In which he complains about the free press in Taiwan.  It's "unfettered", it's "free speech run amok".

From the cracks about Fox News and Sarah Palin, it is clear that Millstein is liberal.  Fine.  But apparently he is not liberal enough to favor free speech.  For any American to complain about too much free speech is wrong.  And a senior newspaperman should know better, for him to complain about too much free speech should be a firing offense.  This guy is a Senior Vice President at Hearst Newspapers.  Who wants to limit free speech.

As for the Taiwan/China politics, here I must plead a lot of ignorance.  Millstein decries Tsai Ing-wen, opposition party leader of Taiwan, as an extremist for not attending the Double Ten National Day ceremonies, a "shocking rebuke".  Do another Google search.  I quickly found this editorial, which seems to present a balanced view, revealing that this is not a rebuke, it is not the first time that a Taiwanese political party missed the ceremonies.  The editorial decries a lack of political consensus on Taiwan (hmm, we don't have any of that problem here, do we?) and says that the invitation to Tsai Ing-wen was a "ruse" and calling her "shrewd" for declining.  For a couple of more articles, none blaming Tsai for anything, see here and here.  According to the second article, she did attend the ceremony!

A quick Google search on Millstein brought up some other incidents where he overstepped his editorial bounds, and digressed from Gernwich CT local politics into Taiwanese politics.

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