Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Many political editorials, talk shows, discussion lists and columns feature far too much screaming, shouting, and hyperbole, with little content. The authors, usually from the far right or left, preach to the converted and their arguments, as a result, are weak and backed by political faith and not facts. Their opponents cannot possibly have a rational reason to oppose them, so must be evil, stupid or venal.

This blog will attempt to be different. My rules for myself, which are sure to be broken, are

  1. No ranting. Opposing points of view are assumed to have a brain and intellectual honesty. (Warning - I do enjoy, so expect some attitude once on a while.)
  2. Where possible, facts. Call it "sabremetrics for politics".
  3. No hyperbole.
You may have noticed that this intro broke the rules some. Sorry :-)

Not sure how much I'll stick to politics or how much to wander into other topics.  We'll see.

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