Friday, November 7, 2008

Why California Proposition 8 is Unconstitutional

"It is ... a small college ... yet, there are those who love it."

I'm not a lawyer, nor did I sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night.  But one advantage of being a layman is that I only know a couple of legal principles.  One applies to Prop 8, at least so far as existing gay marriages.  They must be allowed to stand.  Whether this argument extends to future events, I have no clue.  My extremely brief brief follows. 

Whereas, marriage is a contract, and, whereas, Prop 8 is an attempt by the State of California to impair said contract, it is unconstitutional by Dartmouth College vs. Woodward, (1819).

All I ask for is 10% of the legal fees in all these lawsuits.  :-)

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