Saturday, March 21, 2009

South Asian Cricket News

I'm not planning to specialize in South Asian cricket, but security concerns may affect a big tournament planned for April in India. It's scheduled to overlap with the Indian elections, and security forces will be stretched thin.

The Guardian discusses financial considerations.

The New Zealand Herald is cautiously optimistic.

This article discusses more directly discusses the recent attack in Pakistan, but then, in a strangely positive note (to me at least) implies that conflicts over the TV rights may play a larger role in any possible delays.

A Time magazine article gives a good overview. Concerns about the Mumbai attack and the March 3 attack on the Sri Lankan team threaten a popular and lucrative sport in South Asia. As for whether security priority should be given to cricket or the elections, "more people will be watching cricket than will be casting their votes anyway".

Long live sport, and here's hoping it may it bring some sanity to the region. As for those pesky elections, who schedules them during a championship tournament ayway? :-) We'd never schedule elections in the USA during the World Series, Olympics, or the Superbowl!

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