Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Interesting Post by Arianna Huffington


Not sure I'm ready to buy her premise that we will see the end of right vs. left thinking, but there are definitely a few current issues where the lines are blurring. For example, if a single payer health care system can be more efficient, many conservatives should go for it. How can you argue against saving Americans (and corporations) billions of dollars? In general, so far President Obama seems to be more pragmatic than dogmatic. So there's hope.

My fear is that the talk show hosts and blogosphere are just so combative and unbending in their policies that they could prevent a sensible compromise / coming together. There's a lot of ranting and vitriol on both sides there. Since they self-select for others of their own opinion, there is shockingly little rational discussion.

Ignore it - most are like little children (in some cases, very successful and well-paid little children) trying to draw attention and advertisers.

Addendum: Just saw this article which ties in to a "let's tone down the rhetoric" theme. To which we all sometimes fail, myself included.

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