Monday, June 15, 2009

Lawyer sues for Breast Cancer

A lawyer sued the Oakland As over a free giveaway on Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The litigant, Alfred G. Rava, seems to specialize in sex discrimination giveways - here's one where I agree with him. What's most interesting is that Mr. Rava lives in San Diego. Somehow, he "just happened" to be in Oakland that very day to suffer the outrageous discrimination of not getting a floopy plaid hat. Here's a case where he sued over a Angel's Mother's Day promo. He must be really up on all the free promotions various baseball teams give away!

If he donated the settlements to charity (hmm, anti Breast Cancer initiatives???) then I could applaud him as a bold crusader for equality. But he doesn't. Apparently, he's just a lawyer looking for an angle, and this is his.

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